
ATTR_GET gets single or more attribute(s) of a given element.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target node.
attrNames String, repeated Attribute name(s).

Returns Object Key-value pairs of attribute values.



ATTR_QUERY finds a single or more attribute(s) by an query selector.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target node.
selector String Query selector.
attrName String, repeated Attr name(s).

Returns Object Key-value pairs of attribute values.



ATTR_REMOVE removes single or more attribute(s) of a given element.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target node.
attrNames String, repeated Attribute name(s).

Returns None



ATTR_SET sets or updates a single or more attribute(s) of a given element.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target node.
nameOrObj - Attribute name or an object representing a key String Object Value pair of attributes.
value String If a second parameter is a string value, this parameter represent an attribute value.

Returns None



BLUR Calls blur on the element.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target node.
selector String Css selector.

Returns None



CLICK dispatches click event on a given element

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
cssSelectorOrClicks String Int Css selector or count of clicks.
clicks Int 1 Count of clicks.

Returns None



CLICK_ALL dispatches click event on all matched element

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String Css selector.
clicks Int 1 Optional count of clicks.

Returns Boolean True if matched at least one element.



COOKIE_DEL gets a cookie from a given page by name.

Argument Type Default value Description
page HTMLPage Target page.
cookiesOrNames HTTPCookie, repeated String, repeated Cookie or cookie name to delete.

Returns None



COOKIE_GET gets a cookie from a given page by name.

Argument Type Default value Description
page HTMLPage Target page.
name String Cookie or cookie name to delete.

Returns HTTPCookie Cookie if found, otherwise none.



COOKIE_SET sets cookies to a given page

Argument Type Default value Description
page HTMLPage Target page.
cookies HTTPCookie, repeated Target cookies.

Returns None



DOCUMENT opens an HTML page by a given url. By default, loads a page by http call - resulted page does not support any interactions.

Argument Type Default value Description
params Object An object containing the following properties :
params.driver String Driver name to use.
params.timeout Int 60000 Page load timeout.
params.userAgent String Custom user agent.
params.keepCookies Boolean False Boolean value indicating whether to use cookies from previous sessions i.e. not to open a page in the incognito mode.
params.cookies Object[] Object Set of http cookies to use during page loading.
params.cookies.*.name String Cookie name.
params.cookies.*.value String Cookie value.
params.cookies.*.path String Cookie path.
params.cookies.*.domain String Cookie domain.
params.cookies. Int *.maxAge Cookie max age.
params.cookies. String DateTime *.expires Cookie expiration date time.
params.cookies. String *.sameSite Origin policy.
params.cookies. Boolean *.httpOnly=false Cookie cannot be accessed through client side script.
params.cookies. Boolean *.secure=false Cookie sent to the server only with an encrypted request over the https protocol.
params.headers Object Set of http headers to use during page loading.
params.ignore Object Set of parameters to ignore some page functionality or behavior.
params.ignore.resources Object[] Collection of rules to ignore resources during page load and navigation.
params.ignore.resources. String *.url > exactly one) are allowed. escape character is backslash. omitting is equivalent to “*”.
params.ignore.resources. String *.type Resource type. if set, requests for matching resource types will be blocked.
params.ignore.statusCodes Object[] Collection of rules to ignore certain http codes that can cause failures.
params.ignore.statusCodes. String *.url > exactly one) are allowed. escape character is backslash. omitting is equivalent to “*”.
params.ignore.statusCodes. Int *.code Http code to ignore.
params.viewport Object Viewport params.
params.viewport.height Int Viewport height.
params.viewport.width Int Viewport width.
params.viewport.scaleFactor Float Viewport scale factor. Boolean Value that indicates whether to emulate mobile device.
params.viewport.landscape Boolean Value that indicates whether to render a page in landscape position.

Returns HTMLPage Loaded html page.



DOCUMENT_EXISTS returns a boolean value indicating whether a web page exists by a given url.

Argument Type Default value Description
url String Target url.
options Object Request options.
options.headers Object Request headers.

Returns Boolean A boolean value indicating whether a web page exists by a given url.



DOWNLOAD downloads a resource from the given GetURL.

Argument Type Default value Description
url String Url to download.

Returns Binary A base64 encoded string in binary format.



ELEMENT finds an element by a given CSS selector. Returns NONE if element not found.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String Css selector.

Returns HTMLElement A matched html element



ELEMENTS finds HTML elements by a given CSS selector. Returns an empty array if element not found.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String Css selector.

Returns HTMLElement[] An array of matched html elements.



ELEMENTS_COUNT returns a number of found HTML elements by a given CSS selector. Returns an empty array if element not found.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String Css selector.

Returns Int A number of matched html elements by a given css selector.



ELEMENT_EXISTS returns a boolean value indicating whether there is an element matched by selector.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String Css selector.

Returns Boolean A boolean value indicating whether there is an element matched by selector.



FOCUS Sets focus on the element.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String Css selector.

Returns None



FRAMES finds HTML frames by a given property selector. Returns an empty array if frames not found.

Argument Type Default value Description
page HTMLPage Html page.
property String Property selector.
value Any Property value.

Returns HTMLDocument[] Returns an array of found html frames.



HOVER fetches an element with selector, scrolls it into view if needed, and then uses page.mouse to hover over the center of the element. If there’s no element matching selector, the method returns an error.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String If document is passed, this param must represent an element selector.

Returns None



INNER_HTML returns inner HTML string of a given or matched by CSS selector element

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String String of css selector.

Returns String Inner html string if a matched element, otherwise empty string.



INNER_HTML_ALL returns an array of inner HTML strings of matched elements.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String String of css selector.

Returns String[] An array of inner html strings if all matched elements, otherwise empty array.



INNER_HTML_SET sets inner HTML string to a given or matched by CSS selector element

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
htmlOrSelector String Html or css selector.
html String String of inner html.

Returns None



INNER_TEXT returns inner text string of a given or matched by CSS selector element

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String String of css selector.

Returns String Inner text if a matched element, otherwise empty string.



INNER_TEXT_ALL returns an array of inner text of matched elements.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String String of css selector.

Returns String[] An array of inner text if all matched elements, otherwise empty array.



INNER_TEXT_SET sets inner text string to a given or matched by CSS selector element

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
textOrCssSelector String String of css selector.
text String String of inner text.

Returns None



INPUT types a value to an underlying input element.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
valueOrSelector String Css selector or a value.
value String Target value.
delay Int Target value.

Returns Boolean Returns true if an element was found.



INPUT_CLEAR clears a value from an underlying input element.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String Css selector.

Returns None



MOUSE moves mouse by given coordinates.

Argument Type Default value Description
document HTMLDocument Html document.
x Int Float X coordinate.
true Int Float Y coordinate.

Returns None



NAVIGATE navigates a given page to a new resource. The operation blocks the execution until the page gets loaded. Which means there is no need in WAIT_NAVIGATION function.

Argument Type Default value Description
page HTMLPage Target page.
url String Target url to navigate.
timeout Int 5000 Navigation timeout.

Returns None



NAVIGATE_BACK navigates a given page back within its navigation history. The operation blocks the execution until the page gets loaded. If the history is empty, the function returns FALSE.

Argument Type Default value Description
page HTMLPage Target page.
entry Int 1 An integer value indicating how many pages to skip.
timeout Int 5000 Navigation timeout.

Returns Boolean True if history exists and the operation succeeded, otherwise false.



NAVIGATE_FORWARD navigates a given page forward within its navigation history. The operation blocks the execution until the page gets loaded. If the history is empty, the function returns FALSE.

Argument Type Default value Description
page HTMLPage Target page.
entry Int 1 An integer value indicating how many pages to skip.
timeout Int 5000 Navigation timeout.

Returns Boolean True if history exists and the operation succeeded, otherwise false.



PAGINATION creates an iterator that goes through pages using CSS selector. The iterator starts from the current page i.e. it does not change the page on 1st iteration. That allows you to keep scraping logic inside FOR loop.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String Css selector for a pagination on the page.

Returns None



PARSE loads an HTML page from a given string or byte array

Argument Type Default value Description
html String Html string to parse.
params Object An object containing the following properties:
params.driver String Name of a driver to parse with.
params.keepCookies Boolean False Boolean value indicating whether to use cookies from previous sessions i.e. not to open a page in the incognito mode.
params.cookies HTTPCookies Set of http cookies to use during page loading.
params.headers HTTPHeaders Set of http headers to use during page loading.
params.viewport Object Viewport params.
params.viewport.height Int Viewport height.
params.viewport.width Int Viewport width.
params.viewport.scaleFactor Float Viewport scale factor. Boolean Value that indicates whether to emulate mobile device.
params.viewport.landscape Boolean Value that indicates whether to render a page in landscape position.

Returns HTMLPage Returns parsed and loaded html page.



PDF prints a PDF of the current page.

Argument Type Default value Description
target HTMLPage String Target page or url.
params Object An object containing the following properties:
params.landscape Bool False Paper orientation.
params.displayHeaderFooter Bool False Display header and footer.
params.printBackground Bool False Print background graphics.
params.scale Float 1 Scale of the webpage rendering.
params.paperWidth Float 22 Paper width in inches.
params.paperHeight Float 28 Paper height in inches.
params.marginTo Float 1 Top margin in inches.
params.marginBottom Float 1 Bottom margin in inches.
params.marginLeft Float 1 Left margin in inches.
params.marginRight Float 1 Right margin in inches.
params.pageRanges String 13'.
params.ignoreInvalidPageRanges Bool False 2'.
params.headerTemplate String totalpages: total pages in the document for example, <span class=title></span> would generate span containing the title.
params.footerTemplate String Html template for the print footer. should use the same format as the headertemplate.
params.preferCSSPageSize Bool False Whether or not to prefer page size as defined by css. defaults to false, in which case the content will be scaled to fit the paper size. *

Returns Binary Pdf document in binary format.



SCREENSHOT takes a screenshot of a given page.

Argument Type Default value Description
target HTMLPage String Target page or url.
params Object An object containing the following properties :
params.x Float Int 0 X position of the viewport.
params.y Float Int 0 Y position of the viewport.
params.width Float Int Width of the viewport.
params.height Float Int Height of the viewport.
params.format String "jpeg" Either “jpeg” or “png”.
params.quality Int 100 Quality, in [0, 100], only for jpeg format.

Returns Binary Screenshot in binary format.



SCROLL scrolls by given coordinates.

Argument Type Default value Description
document HTMLDocument Html document.
x Int Float X coordinate.
true Int Float Y coordinate.
params Object Scroll params.
params.behavior String "instant" Scroll behavior
params.block String "center" Scroll vertical alignment.
params.inline String "center" Scroll horizontal alignment.

Returns None



SCROLL_BOTTOM scrolls the document’s window to its bottom.

Argument Type Default value Description
document HTMLDocument Html document.
x Int Float X coordinate.
true Int Float Y coordinate.
params Object Scroll params.
params.behavior String "instant" Scroll behavior
params.block String "center" Scroll vertical alignment.
params.inline String "center" Scroll horizontal alignment.

Returns None



SCROLL_ELEMENT scrolls an element on.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String If document is passed, this param must represent an element selector.
params Object Scroll params.
params.behavior String "instant" Scroll behavior
params.block String "center" Scroll vertical alignment.
params.inline String "center" Scroll horizontal alignment.

Returns None



SCROLL_TOP scrolls the document’s window to its top.

Argument Type Default value Description
document HTMLDocument Html document.
x Int Float X coordinate.
true Int Float Y coordinate.
params Object Scroll params.
params.behavior String "instant" Scroll behavior
params.block String "center" Scroll vertical alignment.
params.inline String "center" Scroll horizontal alignment.

Returns None



SELECT selects a value from an underlying select element.

Argument Type Default value Description
element HTMLElement Target html element.
valueOrSelector String String[] Selector or a an array of strings as a value.
value String[] Target value. optional.

Returns String[] Array of selected values.



STYLE_GET gets single or more style attribute value(s) of a given element.

Argument Type Default value Description
element HTMLElement Target html element.
names String, repeated Style name(s).

Returns Object Collection of key-value pairs of style values.



STYLE_REMOVE removes single or more style attribute value(s) of a given element.

Argument Type Default value Description
element HTMLElement Target html element.
names String, repeated Style name(s).

Returns None



STYLE_SET sets or updates a single or more style attribute value of a given element.

Argument Type Default value Description
element HTMLElement Target html element.
nameOrObj - Style name or an object representing a key String Object Value pair of attributes.
value String If a second parameter is a string value, this parameter represent a style value.

Returns None



WAIT_ATTR waits until a target attribute’s value appears

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
attrNameOrSelector String String of an attr name or css selector.
attrValueOrAttrName String Any Attr value or name.
attrValueOrTimeout Any Int Attr value or a timeout.
timeout Int 5000 Wait timeout.

Returns None



WAIT_ATTR_ALL waits for an attribute to appear on all matched elements with a given value. Stops the execution until the navigation ends or operation times out.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String String of css selector.
class String String of target css class.
timeout Int 5000 Wait timeout.

Returns None



WAIT_CLASS waits for a class to appear on a given element. Stops the execution until the navigation ends or operation times out.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selectorOrClass String If document is passed, this param must represent an element selector. otherwise target class.
classOrTimeout String Int If document is passed, this param must represent target class name. otherwise timeout.
timeout Int If document is passed, this param must represent timeout. otherwise not passed.

Returns None



WAIT_CLASS_ALL waits for a class to appear on all matched elements. Stops the execution until the navigation ends or operation times out.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String String of css selector.
class String String of target css class.
timeout Int 5000 Wait timeout.

Returns None



WAIT_ELEMENT waits for element to appear in the DOM. Stops the execution until it finds an element or operation times out.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String Target element’s selector.
timeout Int 5000 Wait timeout.

Returns None



WAIT_NAVIGATION waits for a given page to navigate to a new url. Stops the execution until the navigation ends or operation times out.

Argument Type Default value Description
page HTMLPage Target page.
timeout Int 5000 Navigation timeout.
params Object None Navigation parameters.
params.timeout Int 5000 Navigation timeout. String Navigation target url.
params.frame HTMLDocument Navigation frame.

Returns None



WAIT_NO_ATTR waits until a target attribute’s value disappears

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
attrNameOrSelector String String of an attr name or css selector.
attrValueOrAttrName String Any Attr value or name.
attrValueOrTimeout Any Int Attr value or wait timeout.
timeout Int 5000 Wait timeout.

Returns None



WAIT_NO_ATTR_ALL waits for an attribute to disappear on all matched elements by a given value. Stops the execution until the navigation ends or operation times out.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String String of css selector.
class String String of target css class.
timeout Int 5000 Wait timeout.

Returns None



WAIT_NO_CLASS waits for a class to disappear on a given element. Stops the execution until the navigation ends or operation times out.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selectorOrClass String If document is passed, this param must represent an element selector. otherwise target class.
classOrTimeout String Int If document is passed, this param must represent target class name. otherwise timeout.
timeout Int If document is passed, this param must represent timeout. otherwise not passed.

Returns None



WAIT_NO_CLASS_ALL waits for a class to disappear on all matched elements. Stops the execution until the navigation ends or operation times out.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String String of css selector.
class String String of target css class.
timeout Int 5000 Wait timeout.

Returns None



WAIT_NO_ELEMENT waits for element to disappear in the DOM. Stops the execution until it does not find an element or operation times out.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
selector String Target element’s selector.
timeout Int 5000 Wait timeout.

Returns None



WAIT_NO_STYLE waits until a target style value disappears

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
styleNameOrSelector String Style name or css selector.
valueOrStyleName String Any Style value or name.
valueOrTimeout Any Int Style value or wait timeout.
timeout Int 5000 Wait timeout.

Returns None



WAIT_NO_STYLE_ALL waits until a target style value disappears on all matched elements with a given value.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
styleNameOrSelector String Style name or css selector.
valueOrStyleName String Any Style value or name.
valueOrTimeout Any Int Style value or wait timeout.
timeout Int 5000 Timeout.

Returns None



WAIT_STYLE waits until a target style value appears

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
styleNameOrSelector String Style name or css selector.
valueOrStyleName String Any Style value or name.
valueOrTimeout Any Int Style value or wait timeout.
timeout Int 5000 Wait timeout.

Returns None



WAIT_STYLE_ALL waits until a target style value appears on all matched elements with a given value.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
styleNameOrSelector String Style name or css selector.
valueOrStyleName String Any Style value or name.
valueOrTimeout Any Int Style value or wait timeout.
timeout Int 5000 Timeout.

Returns None



XPATH evaluates the XPath expression.

Argument Type Default value Description
node HTMLPage HTMLDocument HTMLElement Target html node.
expression String Xpath expression.

Returns Any Returns result of a given xpath expression.