Quick start

Browserless mode

If you want to play with FQL and check its syntax, you can run CLI with the following commands to run Ferret CLI in REPL mode:

$ ferret exec
Welcome to Ferret REPL
Please use `exit` or `Ctrl-D` to exit this program.
> %
> LET doc = DOCUMENT("https://news.ycombinator.com/")
> FOR post IN ELEMENTS(doc, '.titleline > a')
>     RETURN {
>         title: TRIM(INNER_TEXT(post)),
>         link: ATTR_GET(post, 'href')
>     }
> %

NOTE: symbol % is used to start and end multi-line queries. You also can use the heredoc format.

Use exit to quit the REPL.

If you want to execute a query stored in a file, just pass a file name:

$ ferret exec ./docs/examples/static-page.fql
$ cat ./docs/examples/static-page.fql | ferret exec 
$ ferret exec < ./docs/examples/static-page.fql

Browser mode

By default, Ferret loads HTML pages via HTTP protocol, because it’s faster. But nowadays, there are more and more websites rendered with JavaScript, and therefore, this ‘old school’ approach does not really work. For such cases, you may fetch documents using Chrome or Chromium via Chrome DevTools protocol (aka CDP). First, you need to make sure that you launched a Chrome instance with open debugging port.

You can use your local installation:

$ chrome.exe --remote-debugging-port=9222 --headless

Or use Docker:

$ docker pull montferret/chromium
$ docker run -d -p 9222:9222 montferret/chromium

Second, you need to pass the address to Ferret CLI.

$ ferret exec -d ""

NOTE: By default, Ferret will try to use this local address as a default one, so it makes sense to explicitly pass the parameter only in case of either different port number or remote address. So in this case, specifying the address makes no difference as long as the driver parameter is set with cdp in the query.

> LET doc = DOCUMENT('https://soundcloud.com/charts/top', { driver: "cdp" })

Alternatively, you can tell CLI to launch Chrome for you.

$ ferret exec --browser-headless
$ ferret exec --browser-open # browser with head

Once Ferret knows how to communicate with Chrome, you can use DOCUMENT(url, opts) function with true boolean value for dynamic pages:

Welcome to Ferret REPL
Please use `exit` or `Ctrl-D` to exit this program.
>LET doc = DOCUMENT('https://soundcloud.com/charts/top', { driver: "cdp" })
>WAIT_ELEMENT(doc, '.chartTrack__details', 5000)
>FOR track IN ELEMENTS(doc, '.chartTrack__details')
>    LET username = ELEMENT(track, '.chartTrack__username')
>    LET title = ELEMENT(track, '.chartTrack__title')
>    RETURN {
>       artist: username.innerText,
>        track: title.innerText
>    }