Say 'Hello' to Lab

A new way to test Ferret scripts

November 9, 2020 by Tim Voronov

Hello friends,

Our team is excited to announce a new tool in our ecosystem - The Lab!

The Lab is a test runner for Ferret that helps you to test how your scripts retrieve data or validate web UI.

Let’s see how it works!

Get started

The Lab can be installed either by downloading a binary or pulling a Docker image:

$ docker pull montferret/lab

If you are macOS/Linux user, you can install the latest binary with the shell script:

$ curl | sudo sh

In this tutorial, we are going to use a local binary.

First run

Let’s create a simple script that retreives GitHub trending projects:

LET github = DOCUMENT("") FOR project IN ELEMENTS(github, ".Box-row") LET link = ELEMENT(project, "h1 a") LET href = link.attributes.href RETURN { url: "" + href, name: SUBSTITUTE(link.innerText, " ", ""), description: ELEMENT_EXISTS(project, "p") ? INNER_TEXT(project, "p") : "", language: ELEMENT_EXISTS(project, '[itemprop="programmingLanguage"]') ? INNER_TEXT(project, '[itemprop="programmingLanguage"]') : "", stars: TRIM(INNER_TEXT(project, 'a[href="'+href+'/stargazers"]')) }

Let’s save it in a file called trending.fql. Now we can the query with lab:

$ lab trending.fql
9:04PM DBG using User-Agent user-agent=
9:04PM INF Passed Duration=1.32741042s File=/Users/ziflex/Work/src/ Times=1
9:04PM INF Done Duration=1.32741042s Failed=0 Passed=1

lab has successfully executed the given script! Even though it might not look very impressive, it is pretty useful when you write scripts to test a UI, like this:

LET github = DOCUMENT("") LET emailBtnSelector = 'a[href="/explore/email"]' LET trendingBtnSelector = 'a[data-selected-links="trending_repositories /trending"]' T::TRUE(ELEMENT_EXISTS(github, emailBtnSelector)) T::EQ(TRIM(INNER_TEXT(github, emailBtnSelector)), 'Get email updates') T::TRUE(ELEMENT_EXISTS(github, trendingBtnSelector)) T::INCLUDE(ELEMENT(github, trendingBtnSelector).attributes.class, 'selected') RETURN TRUE

Let’s save this query in a file called assertions.fql and execute it:

$ lab assertion.fql
9:06PM DBG using User-Agent user-agent=
9:06PM INF Passed Duration=415.113954ms File=/Users/ziflex/Work/src/ Times=1
9:06PM INF Done Duration=415.113954ms Failed=0 Passed=1

Great! Now we have 2 scripts that we can run together:

$ lab .
9:07PM DBG using User-Agent user-agent=
9:07PM INF Passed Duration=1.402902567s File=/Users/ziflex/Work/src/ Times=1
9:07PM DBG using User-Agent user-agent=
9:07PM INF Passed Duration=134.648972ms File=/Users/ziflex/Work/src/ Times=1
9:07PM INF Done Duration=1.537551539s Failed=0 Passed=2

Suite files

All that good, but why would we bother writing something that can be achieved by Ferret alone?

The answer is suite files.

Till this moment, we’ve used plain FQL files which lab directly executed using ferret without possibility to validate correctness of returned data.

Here come suite files:

  ref: trending.fql
  text: |
    RETURN T::LEN(, 25)    

Ok, what’s happening here is that we have decoupled our query from the assertions. lab executes a query from the query section and then validates returned data by executing another query from the assert section.

The @lab parameter is a built-in parameter that holds runtime information, like query results and cdn endpoints, which we will discuss later.

We are using ``ref`` keyword here to point to a external file, but we could also use ``text`` in there as we do in assertion section.

Serving static files

One of the features that lab provides is static files server called cdn. The cdn endpoint allows you to serve any static files or web apps during execution of the tests.

Let’s create a plain text file and simple query that will download a it using the cdn endpoint.

$ mkdir content
$ echo "Hello world" > content/readme.txt
$ touch cdn-example.fql
RETURN IO::NET::HTTP::GET(@lab.cdn.content)

As you have alredy seen before, we are using the @lab param to get access to available cdn endpoints. content is a directory name that is used for static files.

$ lab --cdn=./content cdn-example.fql
⇨ http server started on [::]:57150
9:10PM INF Passed Duration=13.387547ms File=/Users/ziflex/Work/src/ Times=1
9:10PM INF Done Duration=13.387547ms Failed=0 Passed=1

In the logs before script execution, we see that lab launched a web server on port 57150 in order to serve static files.

You can serve as many folders as you want.

Parallel execution

By default, lab executes queries sequentially, but you can make it run in parallel by setting concurrency parameter to the required level of parallelism:

$ lab --concurrency=10 .


Aside from binary files, lab is also distributed as Docker images via GitHub and Docker Hub that have both lab binaries and headless Chromium:

$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/test montferret/lab:1.2.0


Let’s summarize what we’ve learned.

lab can be useful to test correctness of your scraping queries by running them and validating their outputs.

Also, lab can help in testing UI by using the new assertion library.

In some scenarios, it can be used as a batch script runner that can execute your scripts in parallel that will simplify your infrastructure.