Ferret v0.9

Moving forward

September 8, 2019 by Tim Voronov

Hello fellow miners, Ferret v0.9 has been released!

In this release, we mostly focused on bug fixes and filling gaps in user interaction functionality.

Let’s see what we’ve got.

What’s added

Clearing input values

Since early versions, Ferret has INPUT HTML function that allowed to type any value to input HTML element. This works by appending the function parameter to any pre-existing <input> value. While it works fine in many cases, there are some scenarios when a target input field has a preset value which needs to be erased. With this release, Ferret has a new method INPUT_CLEAR that erases any data from a target input.

LET doc = DOCUMENT(@url, { driver: 'cdp' }) RETURN INPUT_CLEAR(doc, '#my-input')

Double and more click

Single, double, or more. Now it’s possible to specify the number of clicks to CLICK function.

LET doc = DOCUMENT(@url, { driver: 'cdp' }) RETURN CLICK(doc, '#like', 2)


BLUR function removes focus from an active input field.

LET doc = DOCUMENT(@url, { driver: 'cdp' }) FOCUS(doc, '#input') BLUR(doc, '#input') RETURN NONE

Default headers and cookies

With this release, you can set default headers and/or cookies to HTML drivers. One of the possible use cases is to create drivers with different custom names and pre-defined headers/cookies:

cdp.NewDriver( cdp.WithCustomName("cdp_headers"), cdp.WithHeader("Single_header", []string{"single_header_value"}), cdp.WithHeaders(drivers.HTTPHeaders{ "Multi_set_header": []string{"multi_set_header_value"}, "Multi_set_header2": []string{"multi_set_header2_value"}, }), ) cdp.NewDriver( cdp.WithCustomName("cdp_cookies"), cdp.WithCookie(drivers.HTTPCookie{ Name: "single_cookie", Value: "single_cookie_value", Path: "/", MaxAge: 0, Secure: false, HTTPOnly: false, SameSite: 0, }), cdp.WithCookies([]drivers.HTTPCookie{ { Name: "multi_set_cookie", Value: "multi_set_cookie_value", Path: "/", MaxAge: 0, Secure: false, HTTPOnly: false, SameSite: 0, }, { Name: "multi_set_cookie2", Value: "multi_set_cookie2_value", Path: "/", MaxAge: 0, Secure: false, HTTPOnly: false, SameSite: 0, }, }), )

Params in dot notation

In previous versions of Ferret, it was possible to pass complex types as parameters, but it was impossible to read data from it using dot notation. Now it is possible. But even more - you can use params as dot notation segments:

RETURN @one.@two.@three

String literals

In addition to defining string literals with quotes (’, “) and backtick (`), you can now define string literals with the forwardtick (´).

What’s fixed

Open tabs on error

Ferret didn’t close Chrome/Chromium tab if an error occurs during a page load.


CLICK could not be used with both an element and selector.

Dot notation after a function call

Parser could not properly handle scenarios where dot notation was used right after a function call:

LET items = [{name: "foo"}] RETURN FIRST(items).name

What’s changed

Internal cleanup and refactoring

We’ve made some internal cleanups and minor refactoring.
There might be minor breaking changes for those who use HTML drivers directly.

2nd returned value

The following methods have an error as asecond returned value now:

  • HTMLNode.GetChildNodes
  • HTMLNode.GetChildNode
  • HTMLNode.QuerySelector
  • HTMLNode.QuerySelectorAll
  • HTMLNode.CountBySelector
  • HTMLElement.GetValue
  • HTMLElement.GetAttributes
  • HTMLElement.GetAttribute

Re-arranged methods

The following methods have been moved from HTMLDocument to HTMLElement interface:

  • SelectBySelector
  • FocusBySelector
  • HoverBySelector

Removed methods

The following method(s) have been removed from HTMLDocument interface:

  • MoveMouseBySelector